About : climate change

What Americans Agree About on Climate Change

There are obvious facts about climate change and things we don’t know exactly yet.  At the same time, Americans have different information sour...Read more

Consensus on Climate Change

Talking about climate change can bring up a range of emotions and responses in people. Concern may arise for some because climate change threatens the...Read more

The Inflation Reduction Act is a Climate Breakthrough: But It’s Only Half the Story

The Biden administration and Democratic congress have taken flak from allies for not doing more, faster to address climate change. It’s a charge tha...Read more

Let’s Electrify Climate Justice

And get it from clean, renewable sources Over the past 10 years since our first American Climate Leadership Summit, it feels like we’ve gone fr...Read more

Denial: Our Biggest Environmental Health Threat?

Rebecca Rehr and I teamed up for our fourth article for NEHA’s Environmental Health Journal. Coming in May 2021, ” “Denial: Our Biggest ...Read more

Racism, Polarization, Hate and Climate Change

A week ago today, a few thousand protestors gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza across from the White House to listen to the last egomaniacal, anti-d...Read more

Ambition, Restoration, and Justice: A Path Forward on Climate Solutions

with Rebecca C. Rehr MPH Climate change is moving to the forefront of concern for people in the U.S. and all over the world. Accelerating climate-chan...Read more

Desperation to Determination: We Have a Chance!

On Saturday morning just before noon, I was lucky to be driving less than two blocks from the White House when we heard the first happy horn. It took ...Read more

ecoAmerica stands in solidarity with the Black community fighting for justice in America

The climate, public health, economic, democratic, and racial crises we are living in are intertwined, rooted in systemic injustice. This is not a coin...Read more

Moving Forward on Climate Amidst COVID-19

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and economic disruption, climate change and really all federally enforced environmental protections are being trammeled. ...Read more

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