In Memoriam: Paul Junger Witt, 1943-2018
It is with great sadness that we report that Paul Junger Witt has passed. He has been a member of the ecoAmerica board since 2012, and has supported the organization with his vision, skills, friendship and graciousness.
He had profound impact on all of us at ecoAmerica, and greatly informed our efforts to connect with and inspire Americans on climate solutions. He brought forth vision, eloquence, and colorful emotion in intensely prophetic ways that often caused people to pause, then open their minds and hearts. Even in his illness, he continued to help out with his advice on our programs and scripts.
To say that he was a talented, prolific, successful person misses his true nature. He was one of the kindest, most thoughtful, personal and generous people we’ve ever known. We are deeply grateful for all the many ways he showed kindness and generosity for ecoAmerica, nature, and humanity. He will be sorely missed.