Intro: RAASIA, Part II of III
Travel Dates: August 15 – September 4, 2009
Riding Dates: August 17 – September 3, 2009
Countries: Eastern Russia, Mongolia
Highlights: Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, Ulan Baatar, Gobi Desert
Section II = 1,707k / 1,060m in 15 days
2 break days – half on unpaved roads
North America (2001), Australia (2002), Europe (2003), South America (2004) and now Asia (2009/10). The total distance is daunting – 11,600k /7,200m. The roads more often than not are unpaved. The Cyrillic languages (Russian and Mongolian) are undecipherable. Routes with few tourists so I’ll be camping half the time.
I will Ride Across ASIA (RAASIA) in 3 parts – I. Moscow – Irkutsk, II. Irkutsk – Mongolia, III. China – starting with the middle section. Site and jersey graphics are done by Melissa Mahoney, Indigo Creative, Santa Barbara, CA.Indigo Creative
Because of the infrastructure and language challenges, and my general lack of time, I’m doing the RAASIA ride with support. Much thanks in advance to Bobo, Jessica and Kent at Boojum Travel (Boojum Mongolia Travel/) for working out the support.
On the prep side, most of all I want to thank Ilan Paltrow and the team at Bicycle Sport Charlotte ( for their exceptional thoughtfulness and usual spectacular service.
On the equipment side, the gear:
TREK 520 (same one as I rode across South America with new SRAM chain/rear cassette); GARMIN EDGE 705 and CICLO Master CM436M computers (yep, 2 of them); REI PANNIERS, PROFILE AIRSTRYKE AEROBARS, rack and pannier bags, just in case. APPLE POWERBOOK 13” computer (first time without my venerable Sony Vaio) Also with a tent, sleeping bag, mat and various other camping gear.
On the clothes side, basically 3 sets of riding gear (jersey, shorts, socks) and 2 sets of street clothes. Also with leg and arm warmers, rain and wind gear.
That’s about it. I’ll plan on doing one update on the journey over, one on Irkutsk/Lake Baikal, and then one a day after that. Many nights I’ll be without internet service, so some updates will come in batches. If you want to reach me, emal me via the website… Apologies in advance for some cryptic formatting as I get used to the new Expression Engine blogging program.
Welcome to the journey,
Bob Perkowitz
9 August 2009 – 9:53pm – Charlotte, NC