Ingolstadt 156k/93m**
europe2003 PII, Day 9
22June03, 156k/93m**
Ingolstadt, Germany
Bill and Jason Capps, and Don Hudson joined the team today, so we’re up to 8 riders now. Thanks to Sylvie for making the run into Munich yesterday to drop off Dave and pick them up. The other highlight of the day was that our Susie rode a full 100 miles today, her first century and farther than Dave ever rode. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Here we all are, the whole group including Sylvie, staring into the bright morning sun. Lisa stayed behind a moment and took another photograph of all of us heading out across the big plaza in front of our hotel (The Maritim) in Ulm.
We headed east on the 10, then north on the 16 taking breaks every 15-20 miles (at Gunzburg and Dillingen as we rode north of the Danube toward lunch in Donauworth (Donau = Danube).
The entire day was on bike paths, with a slight diversion through some small towns. Not spectacular scenery, but good conditions for riding. Here’s two shots of the group – that’s Don waving.
Bill rode at his own pace, a little behind but never far from the group. He waved at me too.
The small towns were good for some closer up action shots. Here’s Jason, Don and Lisa somewhere between Petersworth and Lauingen.
The run into Donaworth was on more great trails. Whether it’s farm fields or forests, Bavaria seems to be the most bike friendly place I’ve been on in 3 continents. Take a look.
About 50 miles into the day we all met at the biggest church in Donauworth, where across the street Sylvie had laid out a magnificent lunch of meats, cheeses, breads, fruit, candy, nuts and beverages. It was fun, fun, fun, after some got over the irritation of the church being at the top of a hill in a complicatedly laid out small town. Here’s the lunch site, and an interior view of the church.
Bill and Jason, after 50+miles in the hot sun on their first day (on mountain bikes) decided (as most of the team did on their first day) to make it a short day and continued the trip in the van with Sylvie. The rest of the group rode on, spreading out over many kilometers in the hilly countryside. Charlie, Don and Lisa led the way. Steve got his 3rd (?) flat in two days and fixed it with some assistance from Bob.
Steve then rode ahead and Bob and Susie kept riding with determination through the big hills in the hot sun. It couldn’t stop Susie.
After a last gathering/break, we all rode into the Hotel Rappensberg in downtown Ingolstadt. Most of us stayed on the sidewalk at the café in front of the Hotel and had a beer ot two. At this point we had all done 93 miles, but Susie wanted more – her first 100 mile day. Here she is checking out a map to see if and where she should ride another 7 miles.
If you haven’t been paying attention, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if she made it.