The Summing Up
europe2003 – Ride Across Europe 4,906 km, 2,944 miles
Part I: Lisbon – Avignon March 8 – 20 1732k, 1039m* 12 riding days
Part II: Avignon – Krakow June 14 -28 1714k, 1029m* 13 riding days
Part III: Krakow – Moskow Aug 30 – Sept 10 1460k, 876m 10 riding days
This is the photo-journal website of the ride. The pictures and narratives enable you to ‘join the ride’ as it happened. Days are rated *** for great, ** for good, * for dull. Besides reviewing the ride, you can post comments, register for update notifications on the next ride or send an email to me (Bob Perkowitz). I hope you find this enjoyable and useful.
Charlie Walker and I (Bob Perkowitz) rode (nearly) all the way.
In Part I Bryan Lawson rode from Amposta to Avignon.
In Part II by Lisa Renstrom, Susie Perkowitz and Steve DelVecchio for the distance, Dave Perkowitz rode from Avignon to Ulm. Bill Capps, Jason Capps and Don Hudson rode from Ulm to Prague.
Support: Sylvia LeGuellec in Part II, and Alexander Erofeeve and Yuri from Brest to Moscow.
Best Days: Look for the *** star days at the right. If you only have time to look at a couple, try 9/01 Brest, 6/24 Pilzen and 3/12 Toledo to get a feel for the ride.
General Notes: There are 3 very different parts to the ride. In Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland and Germany you’re in modern western civilization all kinds of amenities and support – fine dining and **** hotels to budget inns. You ride on nice, paved secondary streets, and especially in Germany, on a lot of spectacular bike paths. Crossing into eastern Europe, (Czech Republic and Poland) the roads are about the same, but the seleciton of accoodations goes down outside of the major cities. In Belarus and Russia the road selection and hotel selection outside of major cities goes way down – get support or bring camping gear.
send an email (contact Bob) from the site if you want to order one
Other Notes:
– check out the website for more details on the europe2003 ride
– the home page also directs you to RAAM – Ride Across America in 2001 and RAAUST – Ride Across Australia in 2003
– for equipment and riding tips, they’re on the RAAUST 2003 site, not repeated in europe2003
– NEXT RIDE: SOUTH AMERICA, September 2004. If you’re interested let me know.
Thanks for stopping by….
(* we got rides of about 90 km into Morilla, Spain on March 13 and took a train from Nysa to Krakow Poland, about 160 km, so if you’re planning to ride this, add that to your distance.)