Vienna to Istanbul: The Ottoman Empire Ride
1,708 kilometers, 1,061 miles, 15 days
Begins Sunday, July 17 – Ends Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Riders = Tom Cox*, Nels Leutwiler, Bob Perkowitz, Lisa Renstrom, Jürgen Schonwasser, Cherie Stofer** and Katharine Stofer**
Supported by: Annie Lambla
Accompanied by: Millie Cox*, Brigit Schonwasser
and welcome to the ride. I will be posting daily photo-journal updates as we go along, and if you register you’ll get a brief email with the link as each is posted. This should be in the category of the ride of a lifetime. A spectacular route through dramatic scenery and history. Below is the map, the itinerary, some pix, and the jersey (designed by Melissa Mahoney). More to follow!
Bob Perkowitz
The Map
The Itinerary
The Jersey by Melissa Mahoney, Indigo Graphics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA